The Ultimate Guide to Ethical Hacking – Our Top-Rated Course for Ethical Hackers

Are you looking for the best ethical hacking course? For many aspirational people, a career in ethical hacking has proven highly rewarding. Today, there is a justified all-time high in demand for its courses. It gives you a fulfilling career that always keeps going. Since you clicked on this article, you are likely interested in learning about ethical hacking.

However, a white hat hacker career may be a little challenging, especially for those without an IT background, as most call for a basic understanding of networking, hardware, and various other things. Learning ethical hacking can be challenging, as I mentioned, but choosing the correct online course can also be challenging because many courses are available that were created by amateurs rather than professionals and may mislead you. Because of this, I searched for the best ethical hacking courses and am sharing them with you in this article.

What is Ethical Hacking?

best ethical hacking course

Ethical hacking is a valid technique that includes looking for vulnerabilities in systems to discover potential data breaches & network threats—a system, application, or organization’s infrastructure and getting beyond system security. Ethical hackers search the system or network to find vulnerabilities that malevolent hackers may exploit or eliminate. They may enhance security to resist assaults better or deflect them.

To test the system’s defenses, the firm that controls the system or network permits Cyber Security experts to carry out such actions. In contrast to malevolent hacking, this technique is thus deliberate, approved, as well as—more importantly, legal.

Ethical hackers search the system or network to find vulnerabilities that malevolent hackers may exploit or eliminate. They gather and analyze the data to find out how to make the system, network, and applications more secure. By doing this, they may increase the security footprint and be better able to repel or divert attacks. Organizations employ ethical hackers to look for security holes in their systems & networks and develop safeguards against breaches of data. Think of it as a technological twist on the proverb, “It takes a thief to capture a thief.”

The Best Ethical Hacking Course

I’ve examined, investigated, and tried some of the aforementioned courses so that I can suggest the top ethical hacking program. The top courses for ethical hacking are given below. So go on exploring!

Learn Ethical Hacking From Scratch

best ethical hacking course


Welcome to our thorough course on ethical hacking! By the conclusion of this course, which makes no assumptions about your existing knowledge, you can break into systems such as black hat hackers and safeguard them like security professionals!

This course is very hands-on, but it won’t ignore theory; we’ll begin with the fundamentals of ethical hacking, break down the many types of penetration testing, install the necessary tools (on Linux, Windows, & Mac OS X), and then dive in & start hacking right away. By analyzing and using various systems, including networks, clients, websites, servers, etc., you will learn everything by doing. There won’t ever be any tedious, theoretical lectures.

The course is broken into many parts, covering a particular penetration testing or hacking area. In each section, you’ll learn how the goal system works, its flaws, and how to exploit them to hack it realistically. By the conclusion of the course, you’ll be well-versed in the majority of hacking and penetration testing topics, and you’ll know how to spot, stop, and protect systems & yourself from the assaults we’ve covered.

You will learn how to identify, stop, and safeguard systems and yourself against the mentioned attacks after each lesson. You will first study each technique’s whole process before using it to break into the target system. All the approaches in this course are applicable and tested on actual systems. By the conclusion of the course, you’ll be able to adapt these tactics to launch strikes with more force and to fit various settings and circumstances.

If you have any questions, please submit them in the Q & A area, and we’ll get back to you within 15 hours since this course includes 24/7 support.

Key Highlights

◾️135+ videos about security and ethical hacking.

◾️Start at level 0 and go to high intermediate.

◾️Learn about the many sorts of hackers and ethical hacking.

◾️Install the required software (on OS X, Windows, and Linux) and a hacking lab.

◾️Secure and hack both WiFi and wired networks.

◾️Knowing how websites operate can help you find and hack web application vulnerabilities.

The Complete Ethical Hacking Course| Beginner to Advanced!

best ethical hacking course


Take this course to learn how to do ethical hacking & penetration testing! Get answers to all of your questions about the material you learn in this course, including how to install Kali Linux, how to use VirtualBox, the fundamentals of Linux, Proxy chains, Tor, Macchanger, VPN, Nmap, how to crack WiFi and aircraft, how to defend against DoS attacks, how to use SLL strip, how to identify known vulnerabilities, how to crack Linux passwords and other topics that are included every month.

If you’re anything like me, you’re reading more right now to ensure this course is worthwhile before spending your time and money on it. Sharing a few of the experiences of the more than 10,000 individuals who have already decided to enroll in this course will be helpful to you. In their own words, here are the reviews from three recent students.

I appreciate you taking the time to read so much of the course description. You will appreciate taking this course since you have already spent most of your important time reading it. To test the course out right now, locate the take this course and start the free preview button on the website.

Key Highlights

◾️An expert IT specialist will respond to your inquiries regarding ethical hacking & penetration testing!

◾️Advice on how to be anonymous while doing penetration tests and hacking.

◾️How to use these talents to improve your career prospects and earn money working online as a freelancer.

◾️The capacity to secure and safeguard any network against data loss and hackers.

◾️A thorough guide on attacking networks, creating a virtual hacking environment, and cracking passwords.

◾️On Mac, Windows, & Linux, step-by-step instructions are provided for installing VirtualBox and setting up your virtual environment.

Learn Ethical Hacking: Beginner to Advanced


You are going to like this course if you want to learn ethical hacking and obtain a career in the cybersecurity industry. With over 28 hours of HD video courses, you can learn about ethical hacking, Kali Linux, penetration testing, & Python hacking! This course was made specifically with absolute beginners in mind. We’ll start by discussing how to set up a safe and anonymously pen-testing environment, then go through key hacking tools in Kali Linux before building our tools in Python to wrap things off. There is also a full Python crash course included in this course, so prior programming knowledge is optional!

This Course’s Expert Review

“The courses taught by Joseph Delgadillo are excellent for anybody looking to launch a career in the security sector. I signed up for the Python & Ethical Hacking classes, and I liked how accessible and helpful they were. They struck a perfect mix between giving the material without being too demanding on the learner while yet being difficult enough. I wholeheartedly endorse them.

Learn Ethical Hacking and Pentesting – Hands-on

best ethical hacking course


With the help of this course, students may get real-world experience as ethical hackers (white, grey, or black) or penetration testers. This course introduces offensive security ideas and tactics through a virtual Kali Linux installation and three distinct target victims—Windows XP, Server 2008, Windows 7, & Linux (Metesploitable2). This course teaches students how to become ethical hackers or pen testers via a practical, 100% hands-on approach.

The course uses lab files and quick video lessons to give students a hands-on, step-by-step introduction to ethical hacking techniques. The same open-source software and tools that professional penetration testers, ethical hackers, and hackers utilize will be used by students.

The open-source and free software used through this course is available for download through links, videos, & lab files in this course. Additionally, you will discover how to use keylogging, password hacking, buffer overflows, DDoS attacks, and more. After completing the course, a person will be better prepared for entry-level employment as a pen-tester and ethical hacker. You will obtain a course completion after you finish this one.

Many lecture courses are available on Udemy if you want to speak about ethical hacking or listen to someone talk about theory. But to pass this course, students must provide real-world examples of offensive hacking. In other words, students will learn by experience.

Key Highlights

◾️Use virtualization in the penetration testing context.

◾️Find, examine, and take advantage of network vulnerabilities.

◾️Show that you can carry out a simple penetration test.

◾️Infiltrate and protect wired networks.

◾️Utilize client-side & social engineering attacks to penetrate security systems.

◾️Kali Linux should be installed virtually.

◾️Learn the essentials of Linux.

Website Hacking / Penetration Testing


Hello, and welcome to my in-depth course about website penetration testing. You will study website and web application hacking in this course. By the conclusion of this course, you will be at a high level, capable of hacking websites, finding faults in them like black-hat hackers, and securing them like security experts—this course makes no assumptions about your past hacking experience.

This course is very practical, but it won’t ignore theory; first, you will learn how to install the necessary software (on Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X), and then we’ll begin with websites basics, the various elements that go into making a website, and the technologies used, before diving right into website hacking. We won’t have any dry, theoretical lectures moving forward; instead, you’ll learn everything by doing, by identifying vulnerabilities and using them to get into websites.

The course is divided into many parts, each teaching students how to find, use, and mitigate a common online application vulnerability. You will initially master the fundamentals of exploiting each weakness before moving on to more sophisticated methods for getting beyond security, increasing your level of access, accessing databases, and even using compromised websites for other kinds of attacks.

Most vulnerabilities listed here are among the top Ten OWASP weaknesses, often found in bug bounty programs. You will learn why and how these weaknesses could be used against you, how to fix them, and what steps you should take to avoid them.

Key Highlights

◾️You may learn website hacking from basic to expert level in 90+ videos.

◾️Create the necessary software (for Windows, OS X, and Linux) and a hacking lab.

◾️Discover bug bounty bugs and become a bug bounty hunter!

◾️Identify, exploit, and fix several risky online vulnerabilities.

◾️Use these weaknesses to break into web servers.

◾️Bypass security and use sophisticated techniques to attack these weaknesses.

How to Pick the Best Ethical Hacking Course

best ethical hacking course

Many institutions claim to provide the most comprehensive ethical hacking training. However, one must do enough research to determine the course’s standing in the industry and its acceptance in terms of career possibilities. Although many hackers also support independent study, there is no alternative to official ethical hacking courses when looking for job opportunities in the industry.

The finest hacking course must cover various security areas to guarantee an organization’s current information security setup is secure against vulnerabilities. To pursue a career in this field, interested professionals may also study ethical hacking online. When deciding to study ethical hacking online, there are several considerations to make.

Select Your Level

If you are new to cybersecurity training, choose a course that doesn’t need a strong foundation. As a newcomer to ethical hacking, you need to be informed on fundamental terms and topics like how to install necessary software or set up a penetration testing lab. Remember that you must concentrate and learn regarding a network as a novice; as a result, theoretical understanding is crucial.

Learn ethical hacking online, which focuses on specialist courses like advanced mobile app penetration testing, VoIP hacking & penetration testing training, if you are not new to the field. Several websites provide lessons on ethical hacking that range in difficulty from beginner to expert. Decide on a course carefully based on your requirements.

Know What You Need

There are online courses that merely cover the fundamentals, such as understanding Windows and Linux commands & information collecting if you only want to brush up on your knowledge of ethical hacking. On the other hand, you may take cybersecurity training classes online tailored to your needs, level, and certification requirements. Therefore, if you want to develop a profession as a penetration tester, for instance, these websites will provide courses that will assist you in achieving your objective.

Basic Requirements

To enroll in the cyber awareness training offered by some websites, the only requirement is that you have access to a stable internet connection. However, to take some online courses, you must have previous coding experience, professional degrees in either computer science or computer engineering, and familiarity with programming languages, including C, C++, & Python.

Being Certified is Essential

Your chances of finding work as a White Hat hacker increase if you get certification from a reputable organization in ethical hacking. If you seek work chances in government facilities, defense agencies, or top corporations, the Certified Ethical Hacker certification is necessary. An eligibility procedure must be fulfilled to take the test, and those who pass get CEH credentials. Choose a cybersecurity training program only if it offers the chance to get certification from an industry leader if you’re serious about establishing a lucrative career as a White Hat hacker.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the fundamental requirements for being an ethical hacker?

You need a bachelor’s degree in computer science or a discipline closely connected to cybersecurity to enroll in most ethical hacking courses. For those with solid operating systems, networking, and database understanding, there are, nevertheless, exceptions. Before obtaining a CEH certificate, you may also choose the CISSP and CCNA credentials.

What are the duties and obligations of an ethical hacker?

A few examples of the tasks and duties of an ethical hacker are as follows:

Employing reconnaissance tools to scan both open and closed ports.

Using social engineering techniques.

See whether they can get through firewalls using IDS/IPS.

Examining patch releases by carefully analyzing vulnerabilities.

What ideal degree is best for ethical hacking?

A bachelor’s degree in computer engineering or a closely related discipline is necessary for most ethical hacking positions. In certain circumstances, coursework may be used in place of adequate experience.

Without a degree, can I become a hacker?

Although unnecessary, many ethical hackers have computer science or information technology degrees. The knowledge you need to become an ethical hacker may be learned from various internet places. Possessing good problem-solving and critical thinking abilities is crucial.

Final Words

The newest trendy career on the job market is ethical hacking. It is also one of the most sought-after employment options available now, with numerous open positions that must be filled. The courses mentioned above will thus offer you the push you need to pursue a career in this industry. Additionally, I advise you to check the sample lessons before enrolling in a school to ensure you can communicate with the teacher, which is the most important aspect of online learning.

Thank you for reading this article so far. Additional online courses, such as the best online typing course and app development courses, are available on our website. So check it out for more information.

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